Around the World in 40 Cocktails
Here you will discover a bit of wit and wisdom to catch the “spirit” and the “spirits” of some of the world’s great destinations. Traveltinis: Around the World in 40 Cocktails is a lighthearted survey of some cities we love and stories about the cocktails that are special to those places. In this unique book you will find a brief description of what to see, what to drink, and where to sip and sit when you travel. Expand your expertise and your palate by ordering a Czechmate in Prague, a Jabberwock in Cape Town, or a Fernandito in Buenos Aires. Between travels, you can make all forty of these cocktails at home – recipes and directions are included. Some are simple, some will encourage you to expand your home bar and challenge your bartending skills. Non-alcoholic options are included for some of the drinks.
If you love travel and a bit of tipple, this is your guidebook.

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