Throughout the world hundreds of thousands of protesters are marching today for various causes, and in many cases they are being met with resistance, arrest, and even beatings from police and military.
Protests and marches have become equivalent, almost inextricably coupled actions.
This cocktail originally started as a birthday tribute to Mahatma Gandhi.
Gandhi is often called “the father of non-violence”, and “the father of India”
Although he did not actually invent non-violent action as a tactic to achieve change, he did raise it to a level never before achieved, eventually forcing Britain to grant independence to India in 1947.
His process – a philosophy of truth-focused, non-violent non-cooperation which he called Satyagraha has become the blueprint or roadmap for most social movement protests.
We honour that today.
Indian Rose There is little detail about this delicious recipe from Simon Difford who adapted it in 2005. We do know that Gandhi was a teetotaler, however there are two practices of Gandhi’s daily life that are also worthy of our consideration, meditation and yoga. At the start of one especially busy day, Gandhi is said to have observed, “I have so much to accomplish today that I must meditate for two hours instead of one.” Paramhansa Yogananda, a spiritual master and the author of the book “Autobiography of a Yogi”, personally initiated Ghandi into the practice of Kriya Yoga in 1935 and says that Ghandi continued the practice throughout his life. Let us consider incorporating the gifts from India of meditation, yoga, and non-violent protest into our daily lives, and emerge more Ghandi-like. |